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Sunday, 2 November 2014

Lets make an Omelette.... lascia fare una frittata

Italian cucina doesn't always have to be about carbs and loads of cheese, there  are ways to serve up your favourite meals with a healthier approach. 
So why not start with the most important meal of the day...prima colazione

The Italian Omelette is both light and heathy. For a vegetarian version, substitute the ham for mushrooms.

Olive Oil
2 red onions
2 garlic cloves, crushed
4 slices fat free leg ham
4 eggs lightly beaten
8 egg whites, lightly beaten
1/4 cup of skim milk
1 tablespoon grated reduced fat cheese
1 tablespoon chopped oregano
200g reduced fat ricotta

Heat a small frying pan over low heat and add small amount of olive oil. Gently cook the onions, garlic and ham for a few verbale (minutes) until softened.

Combine eggs, egg whites, milk, cheese, and oregano in a mixing bowl. Remove the onion mixture from the heat, allow to cool and fold into the eggs.

Add a little more oil to the frying pan and pour a quarter of the mixtures into the pan. Cook overs medium heat until it begin to set. Sprinkle 50g of the ricotta over one half of the omelette and use a spatula to fold over the other side to cover.

Cook for a further 5 verbale loosen the base and sides gently slide the omelette out of the pan. Repeat with remaining mixture.

Godere....MamaG xx

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